ProClient Banche - Profilazione Clienti per banche

Customer profiling consists of collecting customer data, processing it and dividing customers into behavioural groups. In the case of a bank, this activity can be carried out thanks to the payment cards it issues, through which the transactions carried out by the holder can be analysed; in this way, it is possible not only to analyze the customer’s habits in using these cards, but also their buying and spending habits.

The bank can therefore use the information thus acquired to undertake targeted marketing actions for its customers and to carry out strategic business intelligence activities.

To enable banks profiling their customers and analyze the use they make of cards, SADAS has developed the application Pro Client – Banks. The solution allows to conduct searches on credit cards and prepaid cards, and for each of these two categories it is possible to carry out detailed analysis. In particular, it is possible to view the general, annual or monthly data of the cards, and it is possible to cross-check card usage data with people’s personal data, in order to acquire strategic business intelligence information useful for future marketing actions.

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